Wednesday 6 February 2013

Back In My Day...

The thought of your parents having full lives before you is almost unfathomable, isn't it? Just trying to comprehend the fact that they've been through the same trials and tribulations you're now going through abso-fucking-lutely boggles the noggin.

To put this revelation in context: I met one of my Dad's friends today. I'm basically meeting an older gentleman or lady every other night for the next couple of weeks, like I've fucked the age (ha!) on my eHarmony account (no that is just a joke, I don't have one. STOP SEARCHING FOR IT). It's essentially so that I have contacts and decent safety nets in case shit hits the wind turbine, but I half suspect that he's wringing me through his list of comrades so they can assess whether or not I've got the crazies and/or have the foggiest clue of what I'm doing. I'm fairly lucid, but I think I'm talented enough with the verbiage to distract them from the fact that my current vexations have traversed into territory of a somewhat... opaque nature.

Yep, I'm still figuring out my shit aye.
Granted though, I keep hearing this reassuring point from all sources: In five years, you look back at the twenty-something struggle and laugh. It's just something every individual has to weather, but if you've got the guts and gusto, things will work out. Now it's just a matter of actually getting through this period. It may be the toughest, but I also hear these are some of the fondest years. Glad to know that the struggle's not all in vain. OR WAIT IS THAT A LIE THEY TELL YOU LIKE SANTA

So does that mean I just got touched by a regular pervert then?
In other news, I submitted my first Australian article today for a site called Purple Sneakers. I'll link it if/when they put it up, and that can be where it all begins. Getting in touch with other magazines, and about to get started with The Beat. How exciting! So I went shopping and spent a week's rent to celebrate. Oops.

Because I'm worth it.

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