Sunday 10 February 2013

Ching Chong Bing Bong

Eek! So I’ve been awol for a bit- my apologies. I think I’ll try to keep this updated at least every two days, or someshit like that. Wait, does anyone even care? Meh. I’m ‘personal record of affairs’ as the justification for keeping this thing a-chuggin’.

I’m sounding like a broken record, but the house-hunting front is still proving to be a tough nut to crack. With any luck, at least one of the five or so flats that we applied for over the weekend will work out, and then I might just be able to recoup my sanity. I have the sneaking suspicion that Cthulhu’s the source of the strange noises we’re hearing around the flat. It could be possums or whatever strange wildlife they have here, come to think of it. Maybe Cthulhu though. Explains my crazies.

It’s Chinese New Year today! Shit was mad cray in Chinatown. Ferocious lion/dragon dances (done by white ppl lol), ear-splitting fireworks and unnavigable mobs were all on the menu down Little Bourke Street. SO MANY PEEPO

Resisting the impulse to absolutely wreck children blocking the way (IT WAS SO HARD), I finally made my way to Erik and Holly (I came THIS close to punching a child) and grabbed some milk tea and Yum Cha for lunch. Considering the festivities, it would've been rude not to (God I'm gonna get so fat). We had to deal with firecrackers in the background, terrible customer service and barely any space in the restaurant. Yep, authentic Chinese experience alright.

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