Sunday 3 February 2013

Sophomore Slump

Day two was a torrential clusterfuck. Weather-wise, I mean. Never have I ever so closely resembled a drowned rat in the entirety of my existence. Wait, maybe at the moment of my birth. But let's be honest, that's pretty hard to top. Where was I?

Right. A mixture of intrigue, confusion and pride led to many an hour spent weathering out one hell of a freak storm. Holly wanted to figure out the local transport, and I said I'd be damned if I let such a trivial thing beat me. Oh god, it battered me to a pulp. And then used my broken body to mop up the mess.

So. Much. Pain.
Melbourne's a lot bigger than I initially assumed, but I suppose that's a good thing. At the time though, that meant far too many wrong turns, general disorientation and total loss of hope when the battery on my map-bearing phone died. Soaked to the bone and equally cold, the thought of shelter was akin to defeat. Yeah, don't worry. I realise how moronically headstrong I was now.

Wet, lost and starving, Holly finally got a sim card and loaded up the gps on her phone. Deciding on a steamboat dinner, the general vibe of the day meant we couldn't settle for anything but. An hour later, barely able to stand and with the rain hiding my tears, we finally found a spot. You know how great food is pretty much magic? For the duration of the meal, all in the world was well again. Then it was time to head out into the rain again.

Please. Stop.

Shattered and beaten, the walk home just took whatever strength I had left. One hot shower and a clean change of clothes later, I slithered into bed and thanked all divinities for relief. I'll get public transport down another day; hopefully not one so stormy.

So tired. So broken.

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