Tuesday 5 February 2013

Things are Looking Up

I think we're up to date at this point. I've skipped over quite a bit, but the last week has had a fair share of ups and downs. With general exhaustion, frequently getting lost, being unemployed and dealing with impending homelessness, you can probably tell why I've been on edge. Maybe because I just spelled it out for you.

The Phantom Meownace?
Granted, I chose to go in blind, set the scenario difficulty to hard and dove in head first, screaming "IDGAF" all the way. But it hasn't all been bad. In fact, it really hasn't at all. This city is beautiful, vast and modern. The sun's out in full blast daily (don't rich folk pay mad money to fly to this kind of weather? But they also wear monocles and top hats and OKAY I'M BASING THIS ALL ON DOWNTON ABBEY), I've started getting involved with local magazines and ERIK (other flatmate) IS HERE NOW

The dynamic's up and chipper, things are a little more balanced and organised, and we're re-invigorated for our apartment and job hunt. I've got a fuck-tonne of magazines to lend my services to (and trust me, I plan to), and with any luck that'll lead to a money-paying job (please, please all divinities, hear my plea) in an industry I actually give half a damn about. Ladies and gents, this is where it all begins.

Watch this space.

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