Tuesday 5 February 2013

Come At Me, Brah

Day 5 was just painful. Attempting to familiarise ourselves with the area we're currently flatting in led to a grocery run... several districts over. I'm not sure if you're aware, but I am not the fittest man. In truth, I'm pretty sure the lanky/indie kid physique and penchant for chill vibes are all just a front to cover the fact that I can't actually handle physical activity. Shhh. Don't tell anyone though. Then I'll have to go to a gym. And then I'd have to take steroids to catch up. And then I'd get roid rage and go on a murdering spree. DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN

Yup. So I'm pretty sure I ended up doing something like ten kilometres, which in my world deserves some kind of medal. Or honorary mention, I'm okay with that too. Sure, I skated most of it- but living in an industrial area  (we have a Dunlop factory and a forge down the road. A FORGE) seems to mean that side-walks are non-existent and the roads are the end result of a golem's bout with diarrhoea. God, I wish I had an image for that.

But to the point- the last five days had me on my feet, running around, up and about. I think it kind of justifies day 6... which I spent wallowing and crying in bed with ice cream and Community. Skipped plans for clubbing, totally passed over the chance to skate. Sometimes you just need a day in. Right? Right?? Omg validate my terrible choices kplzthxbai


  1. Well, you already know I validate it. Sloth life ftw.

    1. This is why you're awesome. Well, one of the many reasons.
