Tuesday 5 February 2013

Third Time's the Charm

Days 3 and 4 were slightly less traumatic, I suppose. 'Twas the company that made it bearable, if not lovely.
See, that's the thing about moving to a brand new town, all fresh-like. Everyone's a bit of a stranger. Fortunately, other people move about too- and it's always a delight to see a familiar face.

The main things on the agenda were shopping and food: basically two of my favourite things on the planet. Guess it goes without saying that the frantic/moody little shit inside of me reached some level of inner peace. Yeah, I can be pretty easy to please sometimes. Thing is though, this city really does hold its own in those two categories. Street after street after street, each one seems to have its own fair share of gems and marvellous new ways for me to splurge with money I should really be saving for rent. Oh well. What is it the kids are saying these days? Right.

Oh yeah. I went there.
I feel compelled to go on the record and point out how well dressed the folks are 'round these parts. The average twenty-something could honestly be pulled right out of a Vanishing Elephant catalogue. I guess the fact that Melbourne's a real city means that the bar is raised, ante upped and all that jazz. From what I've seen, these chaps and chapettes know how to deliver. *Cue eradication of self-confidence and a newfound  loathing for my current wardrobe* Fuck. I really need a job.

Excuse me while I cry about the money and clothes I don't have

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